A downloadable tool

Hi :)

I'm pretty bad at pixel art so instead of practicing I did what any avid programmer would do and made a script to make art for me.

This project was made in python and uses pygame to visualize the pixel art trees (they are randomly generated) and then you can save them as a .png and do whatever you would like with the image.

The really cool thing about this project is that it animates the tree growing which could be useful for certain game projects.

To use this tool just extract the zip file , make sure you have python installed and pygame installed. if you prefer to use environments, there is a requirements.txt file included. Then simply run the main program. You can change the colors by changing the palette.json file, or selecting a different palette that has already been created by changing this line: 'palette = load_palette("green")' in the main.py file to something like :'palette = load_palette("cherry")' (choose from palletes.json).

Thanks for checking out the project! I hope you like it and I hope you find it useful or just fun to watch :)

Have questions? Leave comment! Want to contribute? Check out the github repo: https://github.com/4b3c/ProceduralTree


ProceduralTrees.zip 17 MB

Install instructions

To use this tool just extract the zip file , make sure you have python installed and pygame installed. if you prefer to use environments, there is a requirements.txt file included. Then simply run the main program. You can change the colors by changing the palette.json file, or selecting a different palette that has already been created by changing this line: 'palette = load_palette("green")' in the main.py file to something like :'palette = load_palette("cherry")' (choose from palletes.json).

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